Student's Personal Information

Class in which admission is sought *
Name of the Student *
Student Name in Tamil *
Date of Birth *
Place Of Birth *
Blood Group *
Religion *
Aadhaar Number *
Mother Tongue *
Community *
Identification Mark -1 *
Identification Mark -2 *
Ration Card *
Distance to School(In KM) *
Emis No *
Siblings are Studying in this School? *
Landmark Near the Residence *
Present Address *
Permanent Address *

Parent's Information

Father's Details

Name of the Father *
Father Name in Tamil *
Educational Qualification *
Occupation *
Annual Income *
Aadhaar Number *
Mobile No *
Email *
Whether Alumnus of St.Bede's A.I.School *
Work Place Address *

Mother's Details

Name of the Mother *
Mother Name in Tamil *
Educational Qualification *
Occupation *
Annual Income
Aadhaar Number *
Mobile No *
Work Place Address

Other Details

How did you come in contact with St.Bede's AI Hss ? *
Last School Studied *
Last School Class *
Residence *
Mode of Transport *
One Priority Mobile(Whatsapp) Number *
Any Serious illness *